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Let the
games begin

Promoting participation in sport and improving health and well-being throughout the Island.

A group of young children standing on top of a soccer field



Inspiring the next 
Bickley, Campbell and Trotter

Our core mission is to increase participation in sport (especially football) for children and women in Jersey, by offering vibrant, inclusive and accessible sporting activities for all, regardless of gender, ability, background or circumstances.

Our initiatives are designed to expand the community reach of Jersey Bulls, focusing on the positive aspects of social interaction and the simple joy of playing the beautiful game.

Recognising and embracing different ability levels, our goal (pun intended) is to inspire the pursuit of excellence in sport, encouraging individuals to reach their potential, and creating the pathways towards the top for higher-talent players.

We are passionate  

Who are we working for?

Young people in Jersey – as potential participants in various programs

Women in Jersey - helping provide more opportunities to play football

Schools – through the provision of after school football programs

Families/Working Parents – through the provision of after school football programs

A group of young boys playing a game of soccer

Improving physical health

Engaging in regular physical activity through football helps kids improve their overall physical health. It aids in building strength, endurance, coordination, and cardiovascular fitness.

A group of children standing around a bull mascot


Playing football can have a significant positive impact on children’s mental health. It provides an outlet for stress, anxiety, and emotional release.

A group of young children standing next to a mascot

Forming a sense of community

A charitable football association fosters social interaction and community engagement among kids. It teaches essential life skills such as teamwork, communication, leadership, and respect for others.

make a donation.
play your part.

A group of young children playing a game of soccer
A group of young men standing next to each other on a soccer field
A group of people standing around a soccer ball
A group of young children standing next to a mascot
A group of young men playing a game of soccer
A group of children standing around a bull mascot
A group of young boys standing around a mascot
A person jumping up to catch a soccer ball
Jersey Bulls Foundation Logo

Frequently asked questions

What is the Jersey Bulls Foundation?
  • The Jersey Bulls Foundation is a registered charity established in Jersey with charity number 480.
  • Its core mission is to increase participation in sport (especially football) for children and women in Jersey, by offering vibrant, inclusive and accessible sporting activities for all, regardless of gender, ability, background or circumstances.
  • Its initiatives are designed to expand the community reach of Jersey Bulls FC, focusing on the positive aspects of social interaction and the simple joy of playing the beautiful game.
  • One initiative is the hugely successful, well established, Jersey Bulls SchoolZone.
Who are our target beneficiaries?
  • All young people in Jersey aged 4 to 16 as potential participants in various programs
  • Women in Jersey - helping provide more opportunities to play football
  • Schools – through the provision of after school football programs
  • Families/Working Parents - through the provision of after school football programs
What is the Jersey Bulls SchoolZone?

Established during Jersey Bulls FC’s inaugural season, the Jersey Bulls SchoolZone offers a unique opportunity to primary schools, junior sections of football clubs and charitable organisations to have a central, active role at each Jersey Bulls FC home match at Springfield Stadium.

Jersey Bulls SchoolZone’s highlights include;

  • 50 seated tickets in the main stand at Springfield Stadium
  • Up to 24 children acting as match day mascots
  • Pre-match assemblies attended by representatives of Jersey Bulls FC
  • Wide coverage on the sponsor and Jersey Bulls FC’s social media channels.
What is the Jersey Bulls After School Programme?

Jersey Bulls Foundation will fund and develop an after school coaching program known as the Jersey Bulls After School Programme;

  • Whilst the Jersey Bulls After School Programme will target all schoolchildren in years 3, 4, 5 & 6, priority will be given to those schools;
    • With an above average percentage of Jersey Premium Pupils
    • Without a full time sports teacher
    • Without access to an existing after school football programme
  • Qualified coaches will deliver vibrant and inclusive football sessions open to all schoolchildren regardless of gender, ability, background or circumstances
  • The Jersey Bulls Foundation is seeking to develop long term partnerships with local primary schools and corporate sponsors which enables all parties to leverage on the successful Jersey Bulls FC brand
How does it work?

More information about how children can join our initiatives will be available soon.

Can you support the Foundation?

The Jersey Bulls Foundation is seeking to develop long-term partnerships with local primary schools and corporate sponsors.

If you think you can support us with our goals and would like to hear more about how you can get involved with our initiatives, please contact

Still have questions?

Contact us